Elevate Your Branding With Simple Stickers
As a solopreneur running a product-based business - especially when it comes to handcrafted items - making an impression is paramount!
When I first started out, my focus was zoomed in on the quality and craftsmanship of the product I was offering. While this is still the main crux of my business, I've learnt many things about running a product-based business that offers exceptionally high quality, handcrafted leather goods, made here in Singapore.
One of the important touch points I'd like to share here is about packaging! First impressions matter, and as much as it's drilled into us about not judging a book by it's cover, there is whole art and science on initial impressions, especially when it comes to receiving something someone has exchanged money for.
Imagine buying something online. You look at pretty photos of a product through a screen, and decide you'd like to have it delivered to you. A few days later, you receive a package in the mail.
Your heartrate accelerates as you get excited to tear open the mailer to get what you ordered, and out comes some crappy plain brown box - no brand, no personal touch, absolutely nothing special. How will that make you feel? Unimpressed, probably... All without opening the package for the product you paid for.
Don't let this happen to you, your brand and all your hard work!
Good branding may be the secret to success! This includes the packaging you use to deliver the product with.
The folks at SingaPrinting Marketing reached out to me to test their product out for the packaging I use for my standard tiered products.
As I often think about the recyclability of materials, I opted for plain cardboard boxes for my packaging. These can be bought at quite an affordable price, are flat packed and of a sturdy construction.
I ordered a bunch of paper stickers with a matte lamination as I also use these as little gifts to my customers to do what they'd want with it. The package also came with a bunch of samples of their other sticker options, which was much appreciated and immensely helpful for my next order!
A little logo atop of a simple box packaging already shows your customer that you had some thought. I add another layer to it by tying a couple of loose leather scraps with my logo embossed on them. Unboxing my product now becomes a ceremony! I feel this creates an even stronger impression on my customers, most of whom have become friends who repeatedly support my business.
SingaPrinting has a whole plethora of stickers to cater to your needs and branding styles. They also have high quality business cards, making them your one-stop for all your branding touch points in your business!
Hope this little article helps you with elevating your brand and keep your customers happy!